New Arrivals.
Since the early days of District Vision we have listened carefully to the feedback from our community of woman athletes. We found the opportunity in a toolkit that has the support of shape-wear, the agility and lightness of sportswear, and the durability and technical features of outdoor gear. To complement this we have developed reinforced seams, duplexed panelling and smart pocketing to offer maximum comfort for any athletic pursuit. We work directly with Japanese and Italian mills to source the highest-grade, recycled and Oeko-Tex fibers for all of our garments.
Yusuke Alpine Blade Ti Jade BlueD+ Spectral Mirror
$$635Junya Racer SlateD+ Onyx Mirror
$$295Junya Racer Brown MosaicD+ Copper
$$365Junya Racer RaspberryD+ Spectral Mirror
$$315Junya Racer Navy Pink MosaicD+ Blue Mirror
$$365Junya Racer RubyD+ Onyx Mirror
$$295Junya Racer CitrusD+ Amber Mirror
$$315Junya Racer WhiteD+ Amber Mirror
$$315Junya Racer ObsidianD+ Copper
$$295Junya Racer PistachioD+ Silver Flash Mirror
$$315Koharu Eclipse Brown MosaicD+ Copper
$$365Koharu Eclipse CarbonD+ Spectral Mirror
$$315Koharu Eclipse ClearD+ Black Rose
$$295Nagata Speed Blade CacaoD+ G15
$$315Nagata Speed Blade TortoiseD+ Amber Mirror
$$365Nagata Speed Blade PineD+ Silver Gradient
$$325Takeyoshi Altitude Master MidnightD+ Blue Ice
$$325Takeyoshi Altitude Master PinkD+ Onyx Mirror
$$295Takeyoshi Altitude Master IvoryD+ Earth Vision
$$315Takeyoshi Altitude Master SunburstD+ Amber Mirror
$$325Takeyoshi Altitude Master Silver SageD+ Onyx Mirror
$$325Keita Summit Ti MidnightD+ Blue Ice
$$415Keita Summit Ti IvoryD+ Onyx Mirror
$$415Keita Summit Ti Mint GrayD+ Earth Vision
$$450Keiichi Standard MapleD+ Earth Vision
$$275Keiichi Standard MidnightD+ Blue Ice
$$250Keiichi Standard Metallic BlackD+ Onyx Mirror
$$275Linto Rider ClearD+ Blue Ice
$$375Linto Rider CacaoD+ G15
$$375Cropped Ultralight Wind JacketIce
$$295Cropped Ultralight Wind JacketChalk
$$295Cropped Recycled DWR JacketFrench Oak
$$162.50Cropped Pile Fleece JacketBlue Arrow
$$295Twin Layer Medium Support BraChamomile
$$110Twin Layer Medium Support BraMint
$$110Twin Layer Medium Support BraSlate Brown
$$110Thermal Base Layer VestLunar White
$$110Thermal Base Layer VestSpruce
$$110Thermal Base Layer VestEarth
$$110Paneled Short Sleeve TeeLunar White
$$130Paneled Short Sleeve TeeSpruce
$$130Paneled Short Sleeve TeeEarth
$$130Paneled Long Sleeve Mock TeeLunar White
$$150Paneled Long Sleeve Mock TeeSpruce
$$150Paneled Long Sleeve Mock TeeEarth
$$150Aloe Short Sleeve Fitted TeeMarine
$$135Aloe Short Sleeve Fitted TeePistachio
$$135Aloe Long Sleeve Fitted TeeMarine
$$155Aloe Long Sleeve Fitted TeePistachio
$$155Oversized Recycled Shell ShortsNavy
$$1653in Split ShortsKhaki
$$1603in Split ShortsWild Flower
$$160Layered Trail ShortsKhaki/Slate Brown
$$175Ultralight Zippered Hiking ShortsIce
$$175Ultralight Zippered Hiking ShortsChalk
$$1757in Pocketed Half TightsMint
$$1607in Pocketed Half TightsChamomile
$$1607in Pocketed Half TightsSlate Brown
$$160Cargo Compression Half-TightsBlack
$$215Cargo Compression Capri TightsBlack
$$230Cargo Compression Long TightsBlack
$$250Pocketed Long TightsMint
$$175Pocketed Long TightsSlate Brown
$$175Baggy Warm Up PantBlack
$$295California Cotton TeeWhite California
$$95California Cotton TeeRed Living
$$95California Cotton TeeBlack Yosemite
$$95Performance Paneled Mesh HatGhee
$$75Performance Paneled Mesh HatOlive
$$75Cordura® SocksWhite/Wordmark
$$35Cordura® SocksBlack/Wordmark
$$35DV + NB Trail Shoe 2024Bone
$$195DV + NB Trail Shoe 2024Black
$$195Digital Gift Card
$$50District Vision + New Balance.
Every collaboration, whether it’s between friends, brands, or athletes, on some level, is about understanding our differences to create something greater than ourselves. It is with this mindset that New Balance and District Vision join forces to celebrate the spirit of the journey. Through District Vision’s mindfulness inspired approach to design and New Balance’s technical application, the resulting collaboration supports the notion that setting out on a physical journey and searching for the path to inner peace may be one in the same.
Footwear developed in collaboration with New Balance®. Socks made in Japan.